Various theories assume a strange relationship between man primitive beings from space, which would have transferred knowledge on agriculture, science and travel transdimensional. The conjectures are supported in strange buildings, paths and trademarks in caves, megaliths, engravings and paintings.
has been much debate about the possible visit to our planet coming from ancient civilizations hidden stars located millions of light years. Some theories say that these things have helped civilize and transfer knowledge to primitive man, who, in turn, expressed its way through strange symbols, manufactured items, prints and constructions.
In various locations in Chile and other countries, with some often repeated findings and the presence of figures and grids, which have come to be interpreted by archaeologists, anthropologists, researchers and ufologists as irrefutable evidence of the presence last of beings and craft of extraterrestrial origin.
Among the figures presented by these silent traces of the past are: beings thin, tall with long arms; macrocephalic entities; figures diving entities that appear to be levitating, rise and fall of men mystical radiant creatures, and many others forms that have no apparent relationship with humanity.
Miles are the paintings and archaeological pieces that have fueled the curiosity, wonder and incomprehension of the world, becoming an attractive product operated by writers, researchers and fortune seekers.
For example, in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Japan, China, India, Australia, England and Spain singular events can be found carved thousands of years ago and where the rarity of the pieces found open doors to the twilight zone. But compared to what we are: extraterrestrial beings, priests land or supreme deities?
-Bird Men: embossed and monolithic figures of men birds near the cliffs of Easter Island represent symbolically the presence of gods in the ancient island tradition. Some researchers attribute these figures to the alleged visit by extraterrestrial beings.
-God Flying Palenque: In Palenque, Mexico, is the Temple of Inscriptions ", inside you can see the burial chamber, where it appears carved in stone on the upper deck, a man indigenous features, which appears mounted on a kind of space capsule rather narrow. Also draws attention to the number of knobs that appears to be manipulating. Moreover, we can see a carving of an alleged smoke expelled by the machine. This impression causes, we tend to compare this figure with the spacecraft in which the first American astronauts traveled.
-God Tula: In the town of Tula, Mexico, is a huge platform to emerge majestic figures of gods carved in stone, whose clothes seem to be sophisticated armor. In your hands hold a sort of symbolic key, played by astroarqueólogos as artifacts attack capable of melting the rock.
has been much debate about the possible visit to our planet coming from ancient civilizations hidden stars located millions of light years. Some theories say that these things have helped civilize and transfer knowledge to primitive man, who, in turn, expressed its way through strange symbols, manufactured items, prints and constructions.
In various locations in Chile and other countries, with some often repeated findings and the presence of figures and grids, which have come to be interpreted by archaeologists, anthropologists, researchers and ufologists as irrefutable evidence of the presence last of beings and craft of extraterrestrial origin.
Among the figures presented by these silent traces of the past are: beings thin, tall with long arms; macrocephalic entities; figures diving entities that appear to be levitating, rise and fall of men mystical radiant creatures, and many others forms that have no apparent relationship with humanity.
Miles are the paintings and archaeological pieces that have fueled the curiosity, wonder and incomprehension of the world, becoming an attractive product operated by writers, researchers and fortune seekers.
For example, in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Japan, China, India, Australia, England and Spain singular events can be found carved thousands of years ago and where the rarity of the pieces found open doors to the twilight zone. But compared to what we are: extraterrestrial beings, priests land or supreme deities?
-Bird Men: embossed and monolithic figures of men birds near the cliffs of Easter Island represent symbolically the presence of gods in the ancient island tradition. Some researchers attribute these figures to the alleged visit by extraterrestrial beings.
-God Flying Palenque: In Palenque, Mexico, is the Temple of Inscriptions ", inside you can see the burial chamber, where it appears carved in stone on the upper deck, a man indigenous features, which appears mounted on a kind of space capsule rather narrow. Also draws attention to the number of knobs that appears to be manipulating. Moreover, we can see a carving of an alleged smoke expelled by the machine. This impression causes, we tend to compare this figure with the spacecraft in which the first American astronauts traveled.
-God Tula: In the town of Tula, Mexico, is a huge platform to emerge majestic figures of gods carved in stone, whose clothes seem to be sophisticated armor. In your hands hold a sort of symbolic key, played by astroarqueólogos as artifacts attack capable of melting the rock.
"The Great God Marciano: Tassilli In the mountains in the Sahara, there emerges the figure of a curious unique engraving on the surface of a large stone structure at the time very accessible. Venaración represents a God of some human traits and is one of the most enigmatic paintings rupustres never found.
Toro Muerto: In the middle of a desert environment in Peru is the town of Toro Muerto. In this place you have found countless prints and drawings that show amazing enigmatic depictions of beings that seem to fly and dance, as well as foreign individuals or diving equipment on moving platforms.
-Beings Diving: In the town of Val Camonica, Italy, are ancient paintings. Human figures dressed in ceremonial robes that are believed could correspond to space suits, and if you look closely you can recognize diving suits, antennae and other technological devices.
-Dogo Japanese Figurine: Found in the town of Dogo, Japan, this figurine has an antiquity of 5,000 years. The figure bears a striking resemblance to the first diving suits and even the costumes worn by astronauts and cosmonauts.

- Puerta del Sol: colossal stone door high on the ground of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Monument was created, cut and carved from a single stone block. It has niches, openings and neatly sculpted surfaces. Displayed high relief in which figures are three-winged beings in a row. Then there emerges a central and dominant figure, which represents the god Viracocha, which is accompanied by 15 guards for each side. This would be a solar calendar of 12 months, which indicated the solstices and equinox periods.

-Nazca Lines: Huge drawings of animals and human figures emerge over extensive plains in the town of Nazca, Peru and can only be observed from the air in planes through the area with some frequency. Believed to have been designed by the Nazca civilization to make massive religious dances that followed the path demarcated in each of the drawings so they can be seen by the gods from heaven.
-Petroglyphs in the Quebrada de Camarones: North of Chile, in the first region, you may find several enigmatic figures stamped in stone by ancient nomadic settlements figures showing strange flying creatures, dressed in costumes that show a comparison with space suits.
"The man who oversees: near the village of Cautla, Mexico, Chalco and Nahua tribes live, upcoming the famous volcano Popocatepetl, known as "the man who watches" by the locals. Vicinity hold fantastic stories of close encounters and stories of UFO sightings linked to the presence of gods coms that occasionally visit the volcano.
-Temple of Tula: Mexicans In places where the Indians lived Toltecs, stand four majestic stone gods, who are over 10 meters high, and that seemed to carry in their hands a kind of weapon too sophisticated for the era, which some have interpreted as a symbolic key, guarded by stone guardians, who would make sure to not penetrate hitherto unknown realms.
-space map engraved in stone: presents a stellar constellation known to date. Located in the town of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
-Ingá: is a village in the valley of Paraíba, Bahia, Brazil, where there are several representations of the constellation of Orion, which served as inspiration to cultures like Egypt, for the subsequent construction of pyramids. The Mundurukus: Amazon Tribe's Caribbean. Karukasaibe was a god that after a long stay on earth bother with humans, to the point, who emigrated to other regions of the sky. There is a book which provides a connection between the UFO phenomenon and the story called "Aliens and Gods of the Amazon" written by Professor Antonio Ferreiro, a character dedicated to the study of ancient folklore surrounding deities.
-Tiahuanaco, Bolivia: is a plateau which is 4000 meters above sea level. Here are several monolithic stones scattered, witnessing ancient precision work and carving. A rarity in this place is called "monolithic door of the sun", which is about 3 feet high by 4 wide. At its center appears a suspected flying god, surrounded by 48 figures framed and arranged in three rows, and whose door weight exceeds 10 tons. The area has been dated to 600 BC
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