Mandari and presidents of countries with more followers on Twitter
Top 10 of the agents with more followers on Twitter
1 . Barack Obama (@ BarackObama): President of the United States.
2. Hugo Chávez (@ Chavezcandanga): President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
3. Felipe Calderón (@ FelipeCalderon): President of Mexico.
4. Dilma Rousseff (@ dilmabr): President of Brazil.
5. Sebastian Piñera (@ SebastianPinera): President of the Republic of Chile.
6. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (@ CFKArgentina): President of Argentina.
7. Fidel Castro (@ reflexionfidel): The reflections of the mind of President of the Republic of Cuba (now First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba) are published by
8. Stephen Harper (@ pmharper): Prime Minister Canada.
9. Juan Manuel Santos Calderón (@ juanmansantos): President of the Republic of Colombia.
10. Fernando Lugo (@ Fernando_Lugo): President of the Republic of Paraguay.
Source: Online version of the Universal of Mexico
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