Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I Catcher Web Moniter
The Kidnappers · Neon Signs, LP (2006) ...
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Birthplace of The Kidnappers. Impeccable service record: three discs of vertigo and a single - English Girls - cloth beater. With energy as the tune header and dirty way of letter. Think of the first disc of The Boys or anything nasty Texans have Marked Men -to my knowledge never well weighted. Gradually Kidnappers are earning the respect of fans of powerpop punk around the globe, and they deserve it, yes, dammit. The perfect manual of style Mixing punk with pop and come out on top and with my head high. Probably one of the best powerpop bands throughout Europe. Neon Signs, to me, their best record and, I think, the best to approach this band for the first time. Street powerpop-punk adrenaline! Hairdresser
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Vest That Ferris Bueller Wears
The Invisible Menu Who's Sorry Now + Beat Down EP ...
The Creepy Creeps entry was a reminder Bomboras . For The Invisible Men is the plan b some of its members. Giving the staff since the mid-nineties noise-based fuzz, soniquetes flequilleros and terrifying imagery. Banda semi-invisible on the network by the lack of detailed info. And what little I know is that Down Beat was his first hack album, an EP of four songs from garage punk and surf raging mad at low frequencies coming into the world in 1996, while Who's Sorry Now is his second (or so I believe) recorded in 2000. Garage hiperfuzzeante to smack into a wave sixtis less insane than the EP, with some stop frame punk revival to hang with The Creeps or Gruesome. Molan!
High on Hashish!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Installing A Closet Bar
The Sick Rose · Blastin 'out, LP (2005) ...
Remember Sick Rose? .. "That legendary Italian band garage fuzz that endured the tug until 1994? The very best among his countrymen, and that in Italy the revival hit really hard and the level was almost always quite high. Then in 2005 came back converted into power pop band the Stems style / DM3 , with Dom Mariani regarding the banner. Pop careful, elegant, even cute .. but also energy and nervous. Very classy. With aussie aftertaste. And sixties hangover, even back to hit the fuzz in It's Gettin 'Bad . And as what is in the high-energy pop is to make good subjects, immediate and quedones, The Sick Rose twelve pieces are marked for cuts do not stop moving your feet. Experimental or anything higher, you know, just simple songs to brighten the time. Do you think little? .. This album not only far exceeded my expectations, I must admit that not too promising, but has already earned a place in the part of my heart that belongs unconditionally to the power pop.
Cigarette Girl!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Womens Feet Sweat In Nylons
Series B (or Z series) always had his flirtation with the rock'n roll. Polyurethane monsters, werewolves of stop-motion, atomic zombies, cemeteries made with cardboard and women 50 feet high have been a source of inspiration for deluded rock opera and more psychotronic punk. From Misfits to Mummies. Cramps of the Creepy Creeps . Better than a bag of popcorn is to accompany the ideology pulp with psychotic garage punk and surf. And that's what these hanging from San Diego, California. Four freaks who attack ruacanrol tradition and revisit again, fortunately, for the umpteenth time. They are very funny. And much more savvy. And exciting and slip issues with some notes at all suggestive. And the same mark a punk xxx cantabile ( Planet of the Apes) as a psycho-surf wing Mummies ( Tiki Mug Shot ) or give the revival without complexes and with evil intentions ( Cleto ). Great style, as did the time has Bomboras .
terrifically funny!
Round Creepin!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tires Riken Vs Bfgoodrich

That day I was depressed. Fuck, it was a day like any other, neither better nor worse. I decided to leave that state of self-pity buying vinyl-viva el puto-consumerism, and the ritual of direct search with this monstrosity. Home suggestive, and I'm so strange, "the title of a film from Troma ultragore as chosen for the band name and album title vicious and succulent. Everything smelled of alcohol ruacanrol. All painted a fucking. Everything except the price: 2.90 euros of shit. 12 inch, 15 tracks, vinyl in good condition .. I do not know if it was the mood, but I did not trust. But who does not risk for less than it costs a beer? In the short time it takes to get the order "was an order via the internet, you emaciated Mojamuto, sic-soliciting views of the Blood Sucking Freaks and nothing or very little, seemed to be encouraging in the least. A beer less, not just the world. Although one of the data that I found "The other good news was that these guys are Australian-enough to not heed hearsay or rock with tastes, let's say, softies: Bottlesick was produced in 1999 by Dave Thomas of Bored! And someone who cut a record as Negative Waves can not have bad taste. Indeed, the album not only is not bad, but that flies confidently rock'n roll modes turn me most. Tic to the New Bomb Turks and unidirectional, for example, about Zeke . With your feet flat on the floor of the punk rock classic. The bad?, lack of personality. Let me put this in disquito wateke entries! Only by claiming something that may not be very recoverable, but by Beelzebub nor is criticism. Australian High energy to move your feet. There are those out there who are very thin ...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Art And Science Of Bedside Diagnosis

Yesterday I got the super single You My Friend / Love Sound of Swedes Sacred Sailors. And I was so happy I want to celebrate with all of you and all of you here in the cutrewateke! Uncork a reserve for the occasion in 2004 that, although young, Prodeco of a strain cojonudas, torn from an enviable crop. Scandinavian rock'n'roll aroma that mixes native-think or Hellacopters Sewergrooves - with the overwhelming power of MC5 and velvety elegance, even blunt, in Radio Birdman. Calimotxo Menudo! We Gave It All to You was the promising debut of this great band, but still not able to overcome his debut, is still on the merits necessary, as in having more than account. His latest album Tune in Turn On holding up that gives pleasure. But that is another story, if you wish, you may be told here in the wateke! For now enjoy this little gem of contemporary rock and roll to help keep alive the flame that you and I love so much. It's only rock'n'roll but we like to watch ...
Losing You!
South Park Stream Ipod/iphone

I fear that Brutal Knights, coming from Canada are gafados for a sector of potential listeners, because they read where you read about are always included in the package of the new wave hardcore. I myself did so in the wateke! makes ya strip, breaded my own package for the occasion with bands like Fucked Up, Career Suicide and more crossover Municipal Waste. Big mistake, because Brutal Knights overstep the constants and escaped to a classification as closed and decoded as the hardcore punk style that has inevitably been relegated to the concept: only for fans (which I happily include myself). If it came down at the time, I strongly recommend that you download his first here it. Masterpiece of punk, garage and blues that reeks of bourbon and Cheap beer. Over time the equation has been simplified and seal increasingly sound. But Feast of Shame, his second and last album to date, still treasured good manners of his predecessor. Old school punk at full throttle without reaching the extreme rapidity of the bands of the Reagan youth. Cabezadechorlito shoe to vent and secrete adrenaline silly. Spend more recently EP format. And for those who are not afraid to sound fast, this download also includes the last reference to date: the 12-inch EP Total Rebellion. Dare!
You're Fired, I Quit!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Usb Extreme To Hd Loader

leave us scratching of jevis of punks .., gardens of never quite know how to get out and go to the simple. A direct it. As this record of Loudmouths of Frisco, who crossed the sky leaving only album recorded two albums, three singles and a handful of splits with rock as Aerobitch , Sex Offenders or Hot Rod Honeys . All this between 1996 and 2000, only to disappear leaving a trail map blurred and hard to follow. I discovered them by accident while rummaging vinyl in a store you frequent. I found Get Lit! ( Slovenly Recordings, 1998), their second LP, traced on the net a little information and mp3s, and I came across a wild punk band, fast and violent female singer to front Dulcinea Loudmouth , which is based on either hoarse, and went to the store to get me the disk. They do a punk bordering on jarcor, but their ways are quedones and affordable in its influence Ramone. This was his first recorded in 1996 for New Red Archives. An explosion of noise and anger with self-confidence and truth. And further, but who cares ...
Rockin 'at the Rollerderby!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Forgot My Handbag Secret Number How I Can Open It

In my day, those who had jevi soul and punk that had vied to Motörhead. That no longer happens, postmodernism recalcitrant that governs us has its good things. If the punks today powerpoperos to stick with (if it ever existed as a tribe, perhaps one should say: nuevaoleros), no doubt be disputed bands like Bad Sports . Another of these formations is not known if they are more punk or more powerpop, clinging to the magic formula that dictates the order of factors does not alter the product. Because ultimately, far from belonging to a style, you run away from everyone, as happened to Motörhead, or Dictators, MC5 or ... Bad Sports not reach that level of excellence, but cohere to perfection the good in every style you play, the speed of punk, garage claw, the melody of pop ... in a rock'n roll cocktail in which raw energy. Nothing tontainas wing softies Blink 182, or yet another attempt to copy Green Day, that is what comes to mind when we speak of punk pop. Nothing to see. They are more like his cousins \u200b\u200band fellow Texans The Marked Men or The Reds , only more prone to the garage. Nothing new, but well furnished head based on notable influences. Rock and roll, although not enough, attacking from different sides and can hurt you with various types of shrapnel, as happened to the Mr. Kilmister .
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Military Up Do Hairstyles

vinyl reissue of this classic piece, inexplicably still in the shadow, which gives us Now! Records limited edition, the Wateke! has been committed, which gumi lurking in their particular and modest claim. Recorded in 1979 in a marathon session of just five hours at the Trafalgar Studios in Sydney, Australia X were removed from the manga direct a collection of songs, delightfully primitive and basic that should have gone down in history immediately. The feisty and kaffir representation of what they called postpunk. Bad message to baba and horny. And also, in many respects ahead of his time. 30 years of injustice and rock that may never be solved. But for that we are here on the network while frika earn minutes lost time, recovering to our ears and our personal joy as the previous albums. I'm not kidding, this is an album of high caliber. This copy is from USA renamed simply the reissue Aspirations, which suppresses the X and the script on the original title: X-Aspirations .
I Do not Want to Go Out!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
House Warming Invitation Wording For Condo

Canada is the ugly duckling of the Anglophone countries. While britis and the Yankees are fighting for first place in rock'n roll, and the Aussies have the prestige conferred by the worship of the particular taste its flavor, Canada is relegated to a dishonorable fourth, and this is likely to worsen if we consider the Scandinavian explosion shook us some years ago. Canadian myths, has been with Neil Young to the head, great bands, most of which seems, have played all styles, psychedelia, blues-rock, garage, punk and all well played ...- .. , and now is the land of one-man-bands. And Bloodshot Bill is the most corrosive. Of the dirtiest. And aims his rifle for elephants to rock'n roll of 50 passed through a sieve punkarra Cramps style . All very trashy, very wild and very muddy. Like you and I like. Or not? Of the three I've heard his records, this is what I like. Rockabilly hair gel and cockiness cramp balls ** Direct
Hey Norton!
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