leave us scratching of jevis of punks .., gardens of never quite know how to get out and go to the simple. A direct it. As this record of Loudmouths of Frisco, who crossed the sky leaving only album recorded two albums, three singles and a handful of splits with rock as Aerobitch , Sex Offenders or Hot Rod Honeys . All this between 1996 and 2000, only to disappear leaving a trail map blurred and hard to follow. I discovered them by accident while rummaging vinyl in a store you frequent. I found Get Lit! ( Slovenly Recordings, 1998), their second LP, traced on the net a little information and mp3s, and I came across a wild punk band, fast and violent female singer to front Dulcinea Loudmouth , which is based on either hoarse, and went to the store to get me the disk. They do a punk bordering on jarcor, but their ways are quedones and affordable in its influence Ramone. This was his first recorded in 1996 for New Red Archives. An explosion of noise and anger with self-confidence and truth. And further, but who cares ...
Rockin 'at the Rollerderby!
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