Canada is the ugly duckling of the Anglophone countries. While britis and the Yankees are fighting for first place in rock'n roll, and the Aussies have the prestige conferred by the worship of the particular taste its flavor, Canada is relegated to a dishonorable fourth, and this is likely to worsen if we consider the Scandinavian explosion shook us some years ago. Canadian myths, has been with Neil Young to the head, great bands, most of which seems, have played all styles, psychedelia, blues-rock, garage, punk and all well played ...- .. , and now is the land of one-man-bands. And Bloodshot Bill is the most corrosive. Of the dirtiest. And aims his rifle for elephants to rock'n roll of 50 passed through a sieve punkarra Cramps style . All very trashy, very wild and very muddy. Like you and I like. Or not? Of the three I've heard his records, this is what I like. Rockabilly hair gel and cockiness cramp balls ** Direct
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