World War II ended in 1945, and two years later began to happen without interruption until the present sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs called in English and German (Unknown Flight Object and Unbekanntes Flugobjekt, respectively), making maneuvers impossible for conventional aircraft, such as changing its flight direction at right angles or spend the rest to an exorbitant rate instantly.
The wondrous technology of the Third Reich
The Third Reich went to Germany a time of progress in all fields: Germany had the fastest cars, planes faster and with greater autonomy to fly the first television (during the Olympic Games in 1936), best film entertainment, the most pioneering pharmaceutical industry, etc. Soon flew the first jet aircraft (Me-262) and the first long-range missiles (V2). All this is known.
Less well known is another technology that, for obvious reasons Reich Germans kept secret and the allies, once they heard about it, remained the most absolute silence. Based on the occult philosophy of the Third Reich (Thule and Vril societies), Hitler's scientists have made progress scientic (especially aerospace) of an unimaginable magnitude.
mysterious knowledge of German aircraft engine powered circular anti-gravity with the code name of "Vril" and "Haunebu" which supposedly were not developed based on the conventional technique, but a new technique emerged from the philosophy NS occult, has been always denied by the allied forces. Many may think that it is impossible for the Germans in such a short space of time to develop such a fabulous technique, but they forget that they are based on classic scientific principles, if not, as already noted, the occult philosophy of Germanic societies like Thule and Vril. For example, the German scientist Viktor Schauberger was a supporter of the "implosion rather than explosion." He rejected the combustion engine, since it is based on the destruction (explosion), but the divine creation is always constructive. Therefore, a technique based on the destruction is contrary to the laws of God and can technique termed as satanic. Instead, he proposed implosion engines. This is just one example of the philosophy of these scientists. Thanks to the thinking of the Third Reich, the Germans advanced in technique in a few years what the allies would not advance a hundred. Project

Vril Project

The Andromeda-Gerät

The "Andromeda-Gerät" or "apparatus Andromeda was a mothership. We do not know if built before World War II ended, but otherwise Neuschwabenland was built after the war with the plans and previous designs.
was shaped like a cigar, and this coincides with the description of many flight pilots say they have seen UFOs with this form and about 130 meters long.
reproduce here a story that appeared in the Argentine newspaper La Razon of Buenos Aires to 1977/78 (click to enlarge).

On December 13, 1944 the South Wales Argus published an amazing article that stated: "The Germans have built a secret weapon to coincide with the Christmas season. The new device, which apparently is an air defense weapon, resembles the glass balls that adorn Christmas trees. They have been seen in the air through German territory, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups, are silver in color and appear transparent. " Shortly thereafter, on January 2, 1945, was the New York Herald Tribune which is expressed as follows:
"It seems that the Nazis have planned a novelty in the night sky over Germany. These are the mysterious and strange globes foo-fighters who are on the wings of the aircraft Beaufighters secretly flying over Germany. More than a month ago that pilots on night flights, with those weapons are fantastic, apparently, no one knows.
fire balloons appear suddenly, accompany the planes for miles and, as revealed by official reports, appear to be controlled by radio from the ground. " These "fire balloons" described by the press of the time are known by ufologists as a foo-fighter. And, as is clear, drivers were considered by the Allies as a Nazi secret weapon.
are identified "Foo" with a secret stealth weapon: "In the fall of 1944, Oberammenrgau, in the Bavarian Alps, an experimental center sponsored by the Luftwaffe in OBF, it will complete a series of investigations related to electrical appliances capable of interfering with the engine performance, up to 30 m. away, through the production of intense electromagnetic fields. Faulty ignition circuit of an airplane engine would inevitably caused it to fall. To make the invention practically effective, the proposed German technicians, however, at least triple the range of the weapon, but when the conflict concluded, the experiments in this direction had just been outlined. Meanwhile, as these investigations infraproducto for immediate military use, another center, governed Sperr combined by the Ministry and the Technical Staff of the SS, had adapted the idea of \u200b\u200b"proximity radio hindrance" to the interference on the much more sensitive and vulnerable electronics American night fighters.
Thus was born an original flying machine, circular and armored, more or less similar to a large turtle shell. Would move with a special jet engine, also flat and circular, remembered as a principle the famous physicist aeolipile heroniana and generated a vast halo of luminous flames. So had been called "Feuerball." He wore no weapons or pilots. Remote control in the act of taking off, was then automatically the enemy aircraft, attracted by their exhaust flames and approaching them without crashing, which was enough to put in critical condition their radar equipment. "
why Germany, if available technology not won the war?

questions to be formulated around the world. The reasons the authors suggest there are several esoteric Hitlerism:
1 .- The development of this technology came too late, rather between 1944 and 1945, and could not get used militarily. Certainly the technology was available, but there was no time to mass production. 2 .-
UFO Hitler were certainly much faster than any existing aircraft, but this was not enough. They were, at least on that date, not suitable as fighter aircraft.
3 .- For some reason, the German Reich were physically lost the war and decided to retreat, expect some future point in Reich's victory was as safe as strong. That time is coming.
If indeed the Third Reich was never currently remains completely destroyed and hidden, can not speak at all that the Reich lost the war. Hitler himself had declared: "In this war there will be no winners or losers, only dead and survivors." The German homeland was occupied and continues today, but another Germany, the true and legitimate, there is traditionally outside the German.
What was Hitler's prodigious technology?
can not be ruled shortly before the end of the war were to make a limited number of dishes Haunebu II. This possibility is supported by numerous photos of UFOs after 1945, which have a striking resemblance with the model Haunebu II.
allies did they get this wondrous technology as part of the spoils of war? Absolutely. It would be a contradiction to think that the Germans were able to develop such technology and then drop it in false hands. The German scientists responsible for developing this technology and all its creations had gone to Germany for the time when the war ended. "
For example, the land of the firm Arado in Brandenburg, allegedly used by the Vril-Gesellschaft was completely blown up and there was nothing. The Germans left a decoy intended to confuse and distract allies. These lures were brand new aircraft projects of the Third Reich as well as scientists like Werner von Braun (through which the American Apollo program achieved perform and get to the Moon), but were based on the conventional technique (jet-propulsion engines or props at most). Antigravity technology was brought to safety in advance.
According to some, UFOs were Hitler's hidden somewhere in Antarctica, why would be launched Operation Highjump. Even today there are people convinced that the Germans still possess a UFO and that led them there in submarines dismantled.
UFO sightings occur today due to the activity of German dishes, as the German Reich are watching the planet. These dishes would be flown by pilots of the "Last Battalion". This "Last Battalion" intervene at the right time for the next fall of Western civilization.

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