time ago I commented that it had investigated three women began to have experiences with circular lights on the walls and floors of their homes about three inches (slight variation depending on the case): Carmen, Mari Paz and Sonia has lived different experiences with them without people given to these issues or related to them. Although it has happened that they were staff about light years away that we were told: Antonio, Xavi and Michel.
Well for a while I left the track, waiting for the girls assimilate fear, because these lights attached to them have begun to happen other things like movements of objects at home.
In 3 cases, the witnesses have been found accompanied, as if trying Microlight not doubt her presence and that additional testimony served to corroborate them personal.
The ages of the three does not exceed thirty, though not remember it well, think that one day in his childhood and lived the same experience. The microluces have appeared in times of emotional change, personal and job. All three have had an abortion, in less than six months before the onset of lights.
All three have the mark of the star that forms in the palm of your hand. The three have the white mark of the elbow that I've been finding among people who show characteristics of contacts unconscious. All three have suffered physical injury in that range of discretion of the phenomenon (in a limb leg or hand).
The three border on indices of sugar of 120. Their tension coincides 7-11. Its temperature ranges in 37'4 and 37.5. The three want to pursue an aspect of art (painter, actress, dancer).
Returning to the description of light and its impact:
- unexpectedly appears the first time, small size (which makes the mistaken a pointer flashlight looking for her and her witness, but which are not author or origin)
- Light is not static but moves as she does, changing room.
- suffer color change from white to red and blue.
- Change is going from circular to square.
- always a flat light projected onto a flat surface (floor, wall, object), indicating that the phenomenon may be or are only seeing the reflection of it.
-The phenomenon is sometimes beat, as if they expand or contract.
- Although are surprised and scared at first, then feel confidence and curiosity, as if this is known.
- The Microlight plays an "intelligent" response to movements lacomunicación .- The three are suggestible to hypnosis in a very advanced level.
- Show childhood memory blocks. Possible psychic self-defense that should bother sifting lived or paraasumir unprepared, and who have influenced his future (now).
- The Microlight passing phenomenon or a timid first step in sedesarrolla only in the homes of these girls. Subsequently becomes atrevidoy shown in other places and in front of more people, when they move empiezana stacked so curious objects or by Nogot sites rather than being.
- Three despite seeing strong emotional moments experienced no disturbances or disorders síntomasde samples "reported" severe personality.
- Living the phenomenon is completely foreign to them, but always in his presence sereproduce varying the witnesses attachments, so queindudablemente are related to them.
The sub microsphere also change color and shape, some minor in nature: sometimes they are more shaped and more diffuse or expanded.
for being Monday and Friday (which disturbs us a tantopues not find similar patterns as specific cycles). Tambiénmuestran preference for the third week of the month, before the process menstrualde the three (as indicated because I feel that this detail has significance).
As seen by other witnesses who described identically the event, valid doypor the presence of the microlight, but not know its origin, function, or determining intentions. And composition as it has not habidoinvestigación on real object to allow analysis thereof.
For the same reason for the presence of more people rule out the possibility dedefectos focus or optical testigo.Estamos in development of study protocol to this phenomenon, so we accept sugerencis "serious." A we have given them pause, but I fear that might be thought that the subject does not interest us, what we try is to see how it develops the same as the phenomenon is active and changing in the process.
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