Are the visitors of bedrooms experiences "hypnotic" used by occult groups of subjects are saying could be "part of foreign species" and therefore the key to " the external monitor if they try to communicate with they "?.
As always talk about any of the abduction phenomenon plots or views of entities is walking on a swamp, full of cavities and empty points.
Today there are so many theories is the case with thousands of testimonials that believe they have experienced an abduction.
abduction input A should be taken as a violentación of freedom of an individual, that at no time receives a request or permit to be manipulated by them "entities suspected abductor.
not present, appear suddenly, cutting for some unknown formula motor activities or senses of the subjects they choose. Fact that in any case ends up producing fears and traumas, as well as the resulting feelings of unease and anxiety that the characters just transcending the abductees and therefore affecting their lives. And this, with most of them live the experience in a dream or reality as plots forget that experience, which for years after recovering from his memory go to strokes or regressive hypnosis, but by then the unreal and the mixed real and although still suffering from that feeling of uneasiness confess that they believe most do not have remembered everything or that it is as if that was not exactly remember what they experienced.
Many researchers raised this point, most arguing that there was a possibility that the modified abduction affected by the memory of so subjective, so that is not to be lied to himself, but gives the feel that their psyche is protected and refuses to remember the whole truth of what they have to live. Something that Sigmund Freud would call psychic self-defense. In any case, reach a point where the real and emulated in a less painful end up confused and it is impossible to determine the line of separation.
happens when a person lives like other traumatic experiences, such as in the case of child rape and the person for years unconsciously forget that trauma in their overall concept. Can not remember the facts but his life is still influenced by them and occasionally you encounter phobias, anxieties and even transitory mental illness from the outside have no apparent meaning, but have a logical rather than physical origin.
When researchers and specialists engaged in studying cases of alleged abduction, unable to do so as a whole are limited to meditation and study of the evidence and how much, if we are lucky to those statistics is compounded by the presence of physical signs or some other semi-proof as small objects or biological changes in those affected. As much as you try to check the abduction phenomenon as we got in their study is to determine who is a great collective evil and that an increasing number of studies and statistics that they see a high number of people affected, and these, curiously show physical and psychological traits common.
bag inside the abductions have been incorporated, for lack of other judgments that become separate cases, a large package of experiences that show how a priori way of comparison have been involved in a violation of their liberty by a X entities is unknown, to date, intentions, and that any explanation to give the witnesses themselves are subjective depending on how you have accepted a negative experience if possible or a good thing . And then there is the change in the place where there is experience.
Some will live in the open alone or in the presence of other witnesses. Others live in public places without anyone being aware of the event abducción.Y show that more people are living these experiences in their bedrooms or sleep times (both company and without). Now the curious that assails us is the same pattern that explain those affected, when the timing and feelings are described identically. When not using comparative examples (which is a human psychological tendency) and when every detail is so similar that look like they all have "visions" of the same film. Is this what you've seen?, Are those gray really physical?, Could be someone out there X was projecting about these people these experiences, in order not remember what they have actually seen?, Do you do to block memories in sleep stages and to pass confused with psychologists and sleep disorders, what does I would actually try to hide?. Consider the patterns of "night visited"
* Most of them "not recall" having experienced significant sightings or encounters of the third kind ... however the issue when it is said by others and believe they are familiar although it did not openly confess.
* Most of them could fit within the Star People Syndrome (a syndrome care is not derogatory, but synonymous with sensation in this case) .* Most of them from small curious about this subject, although shown sound and suffering alternate seasons of belief or skepticism. Since childhood believed to have lived "or seen" strange things even from afar and in a non-binding.
* Most of them start having seizures bedroom reflective moments of his life, when they change or are currently taking reflections, or when they have achieved something and are reflecting on what they have and what it has cost them conseguirlo.En these stages your brain is reviewing experiences sleeping with the purpose of valuation, and it is natural that during sleep they thought forgotten memories arise.
All this could have much to do or not, on balance, Who would be interested in manipulating the experiences of ordinary people "do not" pose a danger "... do you?, What platform could perform this macro-experiment with so many different people at once?," how they would follow-up, how will you know who "obfuscate in their dreams?. So much to do this massive following, to keep perpetually activates a post-hypnotic order would require the proximity of those affected on a regular basis and, of course, work is "obfuscation of memory" so that was not evident or suspected. And would that be done through some means or hardware or human: a medical office or in a trade or professional use by which a subliminal way you would remember the post-hypnotic order, similar to the technique of smoking cessation, where visual aids are used to each time the patient sees them around his hypnotic order to reactivate. An example, every time you see red remember that you must quit. But what experience, if this possible, it would be trying to disguise psychically "might just be trying to change details that affected not find the thread that takes you to the real culprits, perhaps many more near The "gray macrocephalic?. Those people with too much common ground has always felt" different "and have a sense of something that can not explain but is abstract in not feeling quite the same to others. Will there be any entity or group who believe they have something unusual or that they are?, "Believe that being" different "contact" things unknown "and therefore the mind review them periodically to find answers to the difference ?, would you know those entities X of these "differences" after finding genetic or psychological abnormalities in these individuals that are apparently normal, but they think they are a link with other foreign species?.
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