Friday, May 1, 2009

Wood Replacement On Boat

Hitler's UFOs - THEORY

Has anyone wondered why the UFO sightings began to occur after 1947 and not before? It was exactly the June 24, 1947 at 2 pm when the U.S. experienced pilot Kenneth Arnold, a member of the organization of monitoring and rescue Airafox "while his plane was flying from Chelalis to Yakima in the state of Whashinton, with the intention of finding a military aircraft accident, near Mount Rainer sighted a strange formation of circular aircraft that seemed "as plates sliding on the water." Thus was coined the term "flying saucer." Kenneth estimated its speed at 2,400 km / h, a speed unknown in 1947. And it was in 1947 when the Allies launched their unsuccessful Highjump operation against bases of the Third Reich in Antarctica. It is also founded in 1947 when the CIA.

World War II ended in 1945, and two years later began to happen without interruption until the present sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs called in English and German (Unknown Flight Object and Unbekanntes Flugobjekt, respectively), making maneuvers impossible for conventional aircraft, such as changing its flight direction at right angles or spend the rest to an exorbitant rate instantly.

The wondrous technology of the Third Reich

The Third Reich went to Germany a time of progress in all fields: Germany had the fastest cars, planes faster and with greater autonomy to fly the first television (during the Olympic Games in 1936), best film entertainment, the most pioneering pharmaceutical industry, etc. Soon flew the first jet aircraft (Me-262) and the first long-range missiles (V2). All this is known.

Less well known is another technology that, for obvious reasons Reich Germans kept secret and the allies, once they heard about it, remained the most absolute silence. Based on the occult philosophy of the Third Reich (Thule and Vril societies), Hitler's scientists have made progress scientic (especially aerospace) of an unimaginable magnitude.

mysterious knowledge of German aircraft engine powered circular anti-gravity with the code name of "Vril" and "Haunebu" which supposedly were not developed based on the conventional technique, but a new technique emerged from the philosophy NS occult, has been always denied by the allied forces. Many may think that it is impossible for the Germans in such a short space of time to develop such a fabulous technique, but they forget that they are based on classic scientific principles, if not, as already noted, the occult philosophy of Germanic societies like Thule and Vril. For example, the German scientist Viktor Schauberger was a supporter of the "implosion rather than explosion." He rejected the combustion engine, since it is based on the destruction (explosion), but the divine creation is always constructive. Therefore, a technique based on the destruction is contrary to the laws of God and can technique termed as satanic. Instead, he proposed implosion engines. This is just one example of the philosophy of these scientists. Thanks to the thinking of the Third Reich, the Germans advanced in technique in a few years what the allies would not advance a hundred. Project

Vril Project

The Andromeda-Gerät

The "Andromeda-Gerät" or "apparatus Andromeda was a mothership. We do not know if built before World War II ended, but otherwise Neuschwabenland was built after the war with the plans and previous designs.

was shaped like a cigar, and this coincides with the description of many flight pilots say they have seen UFOs with this form and about 130 meters long.

reproduce here a story that appeared in the Argentine newspaper La Razon of Buenos Aires to 1977/78 (click to enlarge).

The Foo-fighters or Kugelblitze
allies were called Foo-fighters and their creators Germans "Kugelblitze" ("ray-ball") or "Feuerbälle" ("Balls of fire"). Since 1944, the Allied pilots who flew over Germany to bomb it began to report strange glowing ball reports nearly transparent which stood beside them and accompanied them for miles. According to these reports, could not tear them down, although disparities, and any maneuver to mislead was useless. Much has been speculated on the role of this anti-aircraft gun, but apparently interfered with the electrical systems and radars of Allied bombers. At times, his presence was so annoying to pilots or caused them so much trouble, that bombing was planned to be suspended and the squadron of bombers returned to base.

On December 13, 1944 the South Wales Argus published an amazing article that stated: "The Germans have built a secret weapon to coincide with the Christmas season. The new device, which apparently is an air defense weapon, resembles the glass balls that adorn Christmas trees. They have been seen in the air through German territory, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups, are silver in color and appear transparent. " Shortly thereafter, on January 2, 1945, was the New York Herald Tribune which is expressed as follows:

"It seems that the Nazis have planned a novelty in the night sky over Germany. These are the mysterious and strange globes foo-fighters who are on the wings of the aircraft Beaufighters secretly flying over Germany. More than a month ago that pilots on night flights, with those weapons are fantastic, apparently, no one knows.

fire balloons appear suddenly, accompany the planes for miles and, as revealed by official reports, appear to be controlled by radio from the ground. " These "fire balloons" described by the press of the time are known by ufologists as a foo-fighter. And, as is clear, drivers were considered by the Allies as a Nazi secret weapon.

are identified "Foo" with a secret stealth weapon: "In the fall of 1944, Oberammenrgau, in the Bavarian Alps, an experimental center sponsored by the Luftwaffe in OBF, it will complete a series of investigations related to electrical appliances capable of interfering with the engine performance, up to 30 m. away, through the production of intense electromagnetic fields. Faulty ignition circuit of an airplane engine would inevitably caused it to fall. To make the invention practically effective, the proposed German technicians, however, at least triple the range of the weapon, but when the conflict concluded, the experiments in this direction had just been outlined. Meanwhile, as these investigations infraproducto for immediate military use, another center, governed Sperr combined by the Ministry and the Technical Staff of the SS, had adapted the idea of \u200b\u200b"proximity radio hindrance" to the interference on the much more sensitive and vulnerable electronics American night fighters.

Thus was born an original flying machine, circular and armored, more or less similar to a large turtle shell. Would move with a special jet engine, also flat and circular, remembered as a principle the famous physicist aeolipile heroniana and generated a vast halo of luminous flames. So had been called "Feuerball." He wore no weapons or pilots. Remote control in the act of taking off, was then automatically the enemy aircraft, attracted by their exhaust flames and approaching them without crashing, which was enough to put in critical condition their radar equipment. "

why Germany, if available technology not won the war?

questions to be formulated around the world. The reasons the authors suggest there are several esoteric Hitlerism:

1 .- The development of this technology came too late, rather between 1944 and 1945, and could not get used militarily. Certainly the technology was available, but there was no time to mass production. 2 .-
UFO Hitler were certainly much faster than any existing aircraft, but this was not enough. They were, at least on that date, not suitable as fighter aircraft.
3 .- For some reason, the German Reich were physically lost the war and decided to retreat, expect some future point in Reich's victory was as safe as strong. That time is coming.

If indeed the Third Reich was never currently remains completely destroyed and hidden, can not speak at all that the Reich lost the war. Hitler himself had declared: "In this war there will be no winners or losers, only dead and survivors." The German homeland was occupied and continues today, but another Germany, the true and legitimate, there is traditionally outside the German.

What was Hitler's prodigious technology?

can not be ruled shortly before the end of the war were to make a limited number of dishes Haunebu II. This possibility is supported by numerous photos of UFOs after 1945, which have a striking resemblance with the model Haunebu II.

allies did they get this wondrous technology as part of the spoils of war? Absolutely. It would be a contradiction to think that the Germans were able to develop such technology and then drop it in false hands. The German scientists responsible for developing this technology and all its creations had gone to Germany for the time when the war ended. "

For example, the land of the firm Arado in Brandenburg, allegedly used by the Vril-Gesellschaft was completely blown up and there was nothing. The Germans left a decoy intended to confuse and distract allies. These lures were brand new aircraft projects of the Third Reich as well as scientists like Werner von Braun (through which the American Apollo program achieved perform and get to the Moon), but were based on the conventional technique (jet-propulsion engines or props at most). Antigravity technology was brought to safety in advance.

According to some, UFOs were Hitler's hidden somewhere in Antarctica, why would be launched Operation Highjump. Even today there are people convinced that the Germans still possess a UFO and that led them there in submarines dismantled.

UFO sightings occur today due to the activity of German dishes, as the German Reich are watching the planet. These dishes would be flown by pilots of the "Last Battalion". This "Last Battalion" intervene at the right time for the next fall of Western civilization.
Alleged Photo of a Model Vril in flight, you can see the pipes and the letters "SS" on the bottom of the aircraft.

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New cases of microvnis

By: Marisol Roldán
time ago I commented that it had investigated three women began to have experiences with circular lights on the walls and floors of their homes about three inches (slight variation depending on the case): Carmen, Mari Paz and Sonia has lived different experiences with them without people given to these issues or related to them. Although it has happened that they were staff about light years away that we were told: Antonio, Xavi and Michel.

Well for a while I left the track, waiting for the girls assimilate fear, because these lights attached to them have begun to happen other things like movements of objects at home.

In 3 cases, the witnesses have been found accompanied, as if trying Microlight not doubt her presence and that additional testimony served to corroborate them personal.

The ages of the three does not exceed thirty, though not remember it well, think that one day in his childhood and lived the same experience. The microluces have appeared in times of emotional change, personal and job. All three have had an abortion, in less than six months before the onset of lights.

All three have the mark of the star that forms in the palm of your hand. The three have the white mark of the elbow that I've been finding among people who show characteristics of contacts unconscious. All three have suffered physical injury in that range of discretion of the phenomenon (in a limb leg or hand).

The three border on indices of sugar of 120. Their tension coincides 7-11. Its temperature ranges in 37'4 and 37.5. The three want to pursue an aspect of art (painter, actress, dancer).

Returning to the description of light and its impact:

- unexpectedly appears the first time, small size (which makes the mistaken a pointer flashlight looking for her and her witness, but which are not author or origin)

- Light is not static but moves as she does, changing room.

- suffer color change from white to red and blue.

- Change is going from circular to square.

- always a flat light projected onto a flat surface (floor, wall, object), indicating that the phenomenon may be or are only seeing the reflection of it.
-The phenomenon is sometimes beat, as if they expand or contract.

- Although are surprised and scared at first, then feel confidence and curiosity, as if this is known.

- The Microlight plays an "intelligent" response to movements lacomunicación .- The three are suggestible to hypnosis in a very advanced level.

- Show childhood memory blocks. Possible psychic self-defense that should bother sifting lived or paraasumir unprepared, and who have influenced his future (now).

- The Microlight passing phenomenon or a timid first step in sedesarrolla only in the homes of these girls. Subsequently becomes atrevidoy shown in other places and in front of more people, when they move empiezana stacked so curious objects or by Nogot sites rather than being.

- Three despite seeing strong emotional moments experienced no disturbances or disorders síntomasde samples "reported" severe personality.

- Living the phenomenon is completely foreign to them, but always in his presence sereproduce varying the witnesses attachments, so queindudablemente are related to them.
The sub microsphere also change color and shape, some minor in nature: sometimes they are more shaped and more diffuse or expanded.
for being Monday and Friday (which disturbs us a tantopues not find similar patterns as specific cycles). Tambiénmuestran preference for the third week of the month, before the process menstrualde the three (as indicated because I feel that this detail has significance).
As seen by other witnesses who described identically the event, valid doypor the presence of the microlight, but not know its origin, function, or determining intentions. And composition as it has not habidoinvestigación on real object to allow analysis thereof.
For the same reason for the presence of more people rule out the possibility dedefectos focus or optical testigo.Estamos in development of study protocol to this phenomenon, so we accept sugerencis "serious." A we have given them pause, but I fear that might be thought that the subject does not interest us, what we try is to see how it develops the same as the phenomenon is active and changing in the process.

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About "Visitors dormitory

By: Marisol Roldán
Are the visitors of bedrooms experiences "hypnotic" used by occult groups of subjects are saying could be "part of foreign species" and therefore the key to " the external monitor if they try to communicate with they "?.

As always talk about any of the abduction phenomenon plots or views of entities is walking on a swamp, full of cavities and empty points.

Today there are so many theories is the case with thousands of testimonials that believe they have experienced an abduction.

abduction input A should be taken as a violentación of freedom of an individual, that at no time receives a request or permit to be manipulated by them "entities suspected abductor.

not present, appear suddenly, cutting for some unknown formula motor activities or senses of the subjects they choose. Fact that in any case ends up producing fears and traumas, as well as the resulting feelings of unease and anxiety that the characters just transcending the abductees and therefore affecting their lives. And this, with most of them live the experience in a dream or reality as plots forget that experience, which for years after recovering from his memory go to strokes or regressive hypnosis, but by then the unreal and the mixed real and although still suffering from that feeling of uneasiness confess that they believe most do not have remembered everything or that it is as if that was not exactly remember what they experienced.

Many researchers raised this point, most arguing that there was a possibility that the modified abduction affected by the memory of so subjective, so that is not to be lied to himself, but gives the feel that their psyche is protected and refuses to remember the whole truth of what they have to live. Something that Sigmund Freud would call psychic self-defense. In any case, reach a point where the real and emulated in a less painful end up confused and it is impossible to determine the line of separation.

happens when a person lives like other traumatic experiences, such as in the case of child rape and the person for years unconsciously forget that trauma in their overall concept. Can not remember the facts but his life is still influenced by them and occasionally you encounter phobias, anxieties and even transitory mental illness from the outside have no apparent meaning, but have a logical rather than physical origin.

When researchers and specialists engaged in studying cases of alleged abduction, unable to do so as a whole are limited to meditation and study of the evidence and how much, if we are lucky to those statistics is compounded by the presence of physical signs or some other semi-proof as small objects or biological changes in those affected. As much as you try to check the abduction phenomenon as we got in their study is to determine who is a great collective evil and that an increasing number of studies and statistics that they see a high number of people affected, and these, curiously show physical and psychological traits common.

bag inside the abductions have been incorporated, for lack of other judgments that become separate cases, a large package of experiences that show how a priori way of comparison have been involved in a violation of their liberty by a X entities is unknown, to date, intentions, and that any explanation to give the witnesses themselves are subjective depending on how you have accepted a negative experience if possible or a good thing . And then there is the change in the place where there is experience.

Some will live in the open alone or in the presence of other witnesses. Others live in public places without anyone being aware of the event abducción.Y show that more people are living these experiences in their bedrooms or sleep times (both company and without). Now the curious that assails us is the same pattern that explain those affected, when the timing and feelings are described identically. When not using comparative examples (which is a human psychological tendency) and when every detail is so similar that look like they all have "visions" of the same film. Is this what you've seen?, Are those gray really physical?, Could be someone out there X was projecting about these people these experiences, in order not remember what they have actually seen?, Do you do to block memories in sleep stages and to pass confused with psychologists and sleep disorders, what does I would actually try to hide?. Consider the patterns of "night visited"

* Most of them "not recall" having experienced significant sightings or encounters of the third kind ... however the issue when it is said by others and believe they are familiar although it did not openly confess.

* Most of them could fit within the Star People Syndrome (a syndrome care is not derogatory, but synonymous with sensation in this case) .* Most of them from small curious about this subject, although shown sound and suffering alternate seasons of belief or skepticism. Since childhood believed to have lived "or seen" strange things even from afar and in a non-binding.

* Most of them start having seizures bedroom reflective moments of his life, when they change or are currently taking reflections, or when they have achieved something and are reflecting on what they have and what it has cost them conseguirlo.En these stages your brain is reviewing experiences sleeping with the purpose of valuation, and it is natural that during sleep they thought forgotten memories arise.

All this could have much to do or not, on balance, Who would be interested in manipulating the experiences of ordinary people "do not" pose a danger "... do you?, What platform could perform this macro-experiment with so many different people at once?," how they would follow-up, how will you know who "obfuscate in their dreams?. So much to do this massive following, to keep perpetually activates a post-hypnotic order would require the proximity of those affected on a regular basis and, of course, work is "obfuscation of memory" so that was not evident or suspected. And would that be done through some means or hardware or human: a medical office or in a trade or professional use by which a subliminal way you would remember the post-hypnotic order, similar to the technique of smoking cessation, where visual aids are used to each time the patient sees them around his hypnotic order to reactivate. An example, every time you see red remember that you must quit. But what experience, if this possible, it would be trying to disguise psychically "might just be trying to change details that affected not find the thread that takes you to the real culprits, perhaps many more near The "gray macrocephalic?. Those people with too much common ground has always felt" different "and have a sense of something that can not explain but is abstract in not feeling quite the same to others. Will there be any entity or group who believe they have something unusual or that they are?, "Believe that being" different "contact" things unknown "and therefore the mind review them periodically to find answers to the difference ?, would you know those entities X of these "differences" after finding genetic or psychological abnormalities in these individuals that are apparently normal, but they think they are a link with other foreign species?.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Drinking Perrier While Pregnant

In the constant search of evidence of extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet there is an astonishing number of "clues" that aliens might accidentally or deliberately leave.

Among the reported cases of alien contacts perhaps less known are the so-called "alien implants, these implants consist of small microchips, pagers or any kind whatsoever that would function to inform the aliens on a individual previously abducted.

is unknown exactly what the function for which these small objects are introduced into the body of the abductees. Although there are several hypotheses that seem to gain more strength are those that tell of tracking systems or storage of information on the activities of the abductee, the aliens thus may have information about our performance, behavior and daily habits. The equivalent would be the marking of animals that humans do to see the same data in colonies of endangered animals or simply to better understand their behavior.
There are other theories a little more "negative" talk neuronal control system, a method that visitors could use to achieve their goals of political control, social or ideological about our society, so the abductee would behave like a normal person, but at certain times of the implant would act as a neurotransmitter and send about the subject to obey orders that aliens getting influenced in a direct way in our society.

How are you located?
The most amazing thing is that these implants cause any tissue rejection in the carrier, typically to be made an object in the body it reacts naturally with a rejection, leading to inflammation, infection, cystic fibrosis or coatings. But in any case alien implants found these effects, it also found unexplained scarring where previously there were no yesterday.

Generally the only way to locate these implants is through small marks or scars that appear mysteriously after being abducted subjects. Yet they have found some after performing scanner and without showing any skin mark.

Case Studies Dr. Roger Leir
creator of the Foundation for Interactive Research and Space Technology (FIRST) and the hypnotist Derrel Sims, senior researcher in the UFO and founder of FIRST, conducted several surgical operations in collaboration with a team physicians. The first series of extractions, "implants" took place on August 19, 1995 in Roger Leir clinic in Thousand Oaks.

As was proved by X-rays, Pat Parrinellio, a man of 47, and Mary Jones, 52, both of Houston (Texas), had housed strange objects in their bodies, though none remembered having been previously operated. Both cases were investigated by Derrel Sims, who, based on encounters with UFOs that these people had in the past, referred to Roger Leir to operate them. Pat is extracted objects back and left hand thumb and Mary his left foot.

implants taken from the first series of surgical procedures were reviewed by two pathologists and then sent to independent laboratories for analysis. The tests evaluated the pathology of the tissue was laser spectroscopy and conducted several metallurgical tests including density measurements immersion, x-rays, electron microscopy, X-rays and study of electromagnetic properties and fluorescence tests. All these tests were conducted at the National Institute of Discovery Science (NIDS) in New Mexico and other independent laboratories.

While these anomalous objects were being analyzed, another set of implants, surgical extractions took place on May 18, 1996. The two women who led this second round of operations volunteered to be interviewed and subject to study. Debbie O., 61 years living in Lancaster (California) and Susie Adams, 40, will Similar objects were removed from the bottom of the left leg. A Licia Davidson, 37, who has had numerous encounters with UFOs and EBE, the foot was extracted in January 1997, a strange-looking object lens.

"The discoveries made as a result of these surgeries are very strange. In all cases there was little swelling, "said Roger Leir. This reaction is not normal when tissues outside the body. Normally, foreign bodies embedded in tissues usually cause some type of chronic inflammation, as well as fibrosis and cyst formation. Something that did not happen in these cases.

pathological reports after the first two interventions revealed that metal objects were covered with a dense gray membrane and rugged, composed of keratin protein himosiderina and clot. More specifically, it was protein and blood cells normally found in the surface layer of the skin. The resistant cocoons that covered biological implants also contain nerve cells in a tissue that is not in this part of the body. These formations gave off a bright green fluorescence in the presence of ultraviolet light.

implants present in the two women in the second set of interventions had no metallic properties as the first.

In fact, this was whitish and spherical objects that did not contain resistant covers previous biological or glowed under ultraviolet light. According to pathology reports, biological implants, possibly, did not trigger inflammation. The crystal-looking object removed from the foot in the most recent intervention was not covered by any gray and leathery outer membrane and the swelling was only observed in the other extractions. The test results undertaken on the first series of implants revealed that metal objects were needle-shaped meteoric origin and contained at least eleven different elements.

In an interview published in the journal Alien Encounter Magazine (UK), Derrel Sims did mention the fact that the body of these people had not experienced rejection of the implants: "It was felt that this dense fibrous membrane be part of the skin surface itself, as if the metal objects had been wrapped in a sheath of keratin. The nerve fibers once covered the tissue and appeared to be attached to the nerves. "

can see their small size.

Its composition and function is unknown.

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Alien Abduction ALIEN IMPLANTS

Travis Walton
The incredible and terrifying events that occurred the night of November 5, 1975 were to mark the lives of Travis Walton and his six companions. When they returned to their homes in Snowflake, Arizona, after working in the forest, saw a bright light coming down through the trees. They stopped the truck and Walton and his colleagues found to an astonishing vision. "When we left the trees, we saw the source of light within 30 m: a metal disc floating in the air, bright," recalls fellow Walton.Sus more cautious, remained in the car while rushing down and Walton running toward the ship. Not wanting to miss a chance to see up close. Once it was almost below it, left him the courage and turned around to return to the truck. Never make it.

Mike Rogers, the head of the group, saw a "ray of blue energy" hit the back of Walton. Panicked, Rogers hit the gas and left the place. Then realizing that his friend had left, turned around, but just to see how the ship rose and disappeared into the sky.

murder charge after five days of intensive searching, the body did not appear. But just as the sheriff was about to conclude the murder charge, Walton reappeared. He was found naked in a phone booth outside the city, half dead, dehydrated and delirious. After several months of convalescence, Walton was able to recall some of what had happened. Remembered being inside the spacecraft. She lay on a table ... I saw several strange creatures bending over me. I became hysterical and jumped, hitting them, but was so weak I collapsed. I crawled to the table, I applied a mask over his face and I fainted.

telling the truth
The most significant case of Travis Walton is that this is one of the few abduction witnessed by impartial witnesses. Walton is also unusual for being absent for five days. In most reported cases, the abduction lasts only a few hours.

Many have tried to discredit the assertions of Walton. During the seventies the allegations of abductions were exceptional, and Walton and colleagues were considered frauds. However, they were subjected to polygraph and the case has withstood years of rigorous research. Alien abductions, characterized by specific incidents and peculiar strongly denounced by thousands of people around the world, modern developments are generally circumscribed to the postwar era.

The First
The first recognized case of abduction goes back to September 20, 1961. Betty and Barney Hill were traveling by car through New Hampshire, about midnight when they saw a "dumpling-shaped object with two rows of windows" that seemed to follow. Barney left the road and slid to stand about 25 m of "a huge ring-shaped craft with a kind of fins and red lights that produced a strange buzz."

Terrified, the Hill sped away, but the car started to vibrate. Then they heard a strange sound and were enveloped in a fog. Later, when I arrived home, they realized that their clocks had been unemployed for two hours but were unable to remember what happened during that time. Subsequently, both had nightmares and agreed to undergo a therapy known as hypnotic regression to uncover what had happened.

hypnotic regression allows the subconscious and bring out hidden memories. The Hill testified under hypnosis have been carried on the UFO and "alien and a half feet tall, grayish skin, bald heads and pear-shaped and slanting cat's eyes."

Betty made a vivid portrait of what happened during those two hours. He recalled having undergone a medical examination. She said she took samples of skin and made him a long needle through the navel as part of what she called a "pregnancy test." They also showed her a map of Zeta Reticuli. Betty Hill believes that the aliens showed him the place whence they came.

"Abducted or contact?
The peculiar nature of abductions that began with the Hill in the sixties, in contrast to the colorful events reported by various people, call contacts, whose dubious encounters with aliens invaded the newspapers in the years cincuenta.El most famous "contacted" was George Adamski, who claimed the aliens took him to Venus, Mars and Saturn. Adamski and other "contactees" were exposed, but their testimony was delayed for years the credibility of researchers. It was not until the eighties that ufologists first and then the public, were serious allegations of alien abductions.

Speaking of Aliens
In June 1992, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) organized the Congress of Abduction Research. It was the first scientific debate on the issue and an opportunity for researchers to present their findings, providing a forum for serious scientific dispute.

Betty and Barney Hill were abducted while traveling, her captors said they were from Zeta Reticuli.

The congress was attended by three of the world's leading experts whose research contributed the bulk of the evidence: Budd Hopkins, responsible for most of the first investigations into abductions, David Jacobs, professor of history at Temple University With over 25 years experience as a UFO researcher, and, presiding over the Congress, Dr. John E. Mack, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Pulitzer prize winner.

One of the conclusions of the conference was that a number of different people had described the same procedure, the same details about what they had done and the same type of aliens. For researchers, this is evidence that abductions are real. If it were some form of deception, the explanations would be dictated by fantasy and significantly different. However, all are restricted to similar and repeated patterns.

Under Alien Control
Once inside the ship, the abductees are under the control of aliens. Generally, they find it bare, they are placed on a table and are subjected to painful operations. When they return, their memories seem to have been edited in any way and can only be accessed through hypnosis.

Dr. Mack cites evidence from many of their cases. There are several types of physical evidence of the abductions: people come back with scars, completely cured, that they had the previous day. They also have strange implants ... located with the scanner, some are taken for examination.

analysis of implants show that they are made of elements found on Earth. A colleague of Dr. Mack, nuclear biologist, made several analysis of an implant removed from the nose of an alleged abductee. The implant was not something biological in nature but could be a manufactured fiber. Skeptics argue that, apart from the imagination of the victim, there is no reliable evidence of abduction. The process that receives the harshest criticism is using hypnotic regression techniques to bring out the memories. Memories

Kevin McClure, a member of the Association of Physical Research, says many researchers who use hypnosis are not qualified psychologists, and accuses the memories deploy skilled, encouraging victims to explain details about the stage by asking for guidance. McClure said the False Memory Syndrome (FMS) as responsible for most of the statements. FMS is a disorder in which memory has been created by the subconscious to replace some childhood trauma, such as sexual abuse. Victims may be subconsciously using abduction as a screen to hide a traumatic experience from his past. Artificial Stimulation

Psychologist Susan Blackmore says that abduction experiences can be induced by stimulation of the temporal lobes. This theory was demonstrated by a research team in Canada, which designed an appliance that generates a magnetic field, applied to the back of the brain, simulating the experience of an alien abduction of someone who had never claimed to be victim of one.

Albert Budden, author of Allergies and Aliens, is convinced that this type of experience is caused by electromagnetic pollution. Budden believes that electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere is strong enough to affect the temporal lobes of brains. "Clearly, he says that abductees are hypersensitive to electricity, and their experiences are a symptom of their allergic reactions caused by exposure to electromagnetic fields of the environment.

But none of these theories impresses researchers like Hopkins, Jacobs and Mack. For them, evidence of abductions reduce to nothing the reasons for the skeptics. Researchers agree that Travis Walton was not suffering any mental illness when he was abducted. Furthermore, it is unlikely that their six colleagues had a hallucination simultaneously. And the lie detector showed that they were convinced he had witnessed the abduction Walton.

temporal lobes and the overactive imagination can not explain the scars of the abductees, and the implants removed from their bodies. Currently, ufologists are developing the theory that the dismembered corpses of cattle represent new evidence of experiments conducted by aliens.

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sightings The final phase is after the Second World War in the United States began with the sighting that made the businessman Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947 while flying with his private plane near Mount Rainier, in Washington. Reported seeing nine objects with a similarly bright that of a hang glider or a boomerang, flying on one side of Rainier and moving towards nearby Mount Adams to "incredible speed", which estimated at least 1200 miles per hour, calculating the time it took to travel between both mountains. They marched quickly as a squad and moved as it does a disc that bounces off the surface of the water. The newspapers misrepresented the exact words of Arnold and described the objects as dishes.

From this moment, due to the error of the press, sightings began to describe objects as "flying saucer" (flying saucer), so that this name ended root in popular folklore, becoming on customary to refer to these objects in successive years.

Subsequently, other objects with shapes (spindle, triangular) or cigar sightings gradually moved classics.

few days after Arnold's sighting, there was the so-called Roswell Incident, where supposedly a ship manned by humanoids crashed in New Mexico, near a U.S. military base. The Government denied any outside intervention in the matter, although he was responsible for the Roswell base who, at first told reporters that the U.S. military had captured a flying saucer with its crew, which undoubtedly increased the confusion. The remains were identified as part of secret military experiments and has recently been added that the alleged alien bodies were nothing but puppets used for resistance testing body (such as crash test dummies used in crash testing of automobiles).

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Before he coined the terms flying saucer or UFO, is recorded in a series of references to strange and unidentifiable aerial phenomena occurring for years, which would no longer be associated with beliefs, legends or myths, as presumed could have happened in antiquity. These references dating since the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century.

Thus, UFO researchers consider to be the first modern documented sighting, the one in Chile in 1868. It was published in the newspaper The Constituent of the city of Copiapo and covered the UFO seen in the same as "a volatile unknown" and, later that year, and a group of "stars tacky" or "fireballs" crossing the sky. The phenomenon was observed many times in that area during that year, and is considered by ufologists as the first wave of that record, and the beginning of the records as such relate to the UFO issue.

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What is now known as the "UFO" is essentially a modern concept born in the second half of the twentieth century. However, there are those who interpret certain passages of the Bible and other ancient traditions such as UFO sightings.

Many argue that from the distant past, humans tried to adjust my eyes to his intellect, linking the various sightings with known objects near him. Thus, from this argument, believers in the phenomenon postulate that many old references would be actual alien spacecraft observations. They also note that, if they were unmanned aerial vehicles, there would be equally possible contact with extraterrestrial beings, who conveyed to the observers different teachings. According to this theory, the origin of many past civilizations (Egypt, Babylon, etc..) Lie in these early contacts. These ships would have received different names in ancient documents: courtesy of the gods, fire trucks, vimanas, solar discs, clouds, clouds of fire, Bright Borax, clouds with angels, car Pushpaka, Maruts (all in the Hindu Ramayana) , and also shield you fly, cosmic light, bright pearl, solar discs, arrows Igneous Serpent of the Clouds, lying shield, swords flying, transparent areas, and hundreds of names received in different cultures, clear examples of the different aircraft plying the skies.

Another supposed "proof" is that Paul Sortino and Fernando Santos Martinez called "atmospheric evidence." For these parapsychologists holiness halos that appear in ancient iconography, whether in the Hindu, Buddhist, and later in the images of the beatified Christian mystics, as well as some prints from the pre-Columbian American peoples, there is only one certain cultural and religious remembrance of an aesthetic appearance of the divine beings that literally locked up their faces in capsules, surely could breath on our Earth.

However, this hypothesis does not cease to be an ad hoc explanation, since clouds and chariots of fire could be metaphors used in religious stories and there is no evidence that such stories should be interpreted rather than a mythical form . Although it should be noted that there is no absolute scientific certainty that those descriptions are religious metaphors, because there is no empirical way of knowing if this occurred or not, so the issue remains open to various speculations.

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UFOs and PALECONTACTOS: extraterrestrial civilizations?

Various theories assume a strange relationship between man primitive beings from space, which would have transferred knowledge on agriculture, science and travel transdimensional. The conjectures are supported in strange buildings, paths and trademarks in caves, megaliths, engravings and paintings.

has been much debate about the possible visit to our planet coming from ancient civilizations hidden stars located millions of light years. Some theories say that these things have helped civilize and transfer knowledge to primitive man, who, in turn, expressed its way through strange symbols, manufactured items, prints and constructions.

In various locations in Chile and other countries, with some often repeated findings and the presence of figures and grids, which have come to be interpreted by archaeologists, anthropologists, researchers and ufologists as irrefutable evidence of the presence last of beings and craft of extraterrestrial origin.

Among the figures presented by these silent traces of the past are: beings thin, tall with long arms; macrocephalic entities; figures diving entities that appear to be levitating, rise and fall of men mystical radiant creatures, and many others forms that have no apparent relationship with humanity.

Miles are the paintings and archaeological pieces that have fueled the curiosity, wonder and incomprehension of the world, becoming an attractive product operated by writers, researchers and fortune seekers.

For example, in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Japan, China, India, Australia, England and Spain singular events can be found carved thousands of years ago and where the rarity of the pieces found open doors to the twilight zone. But compared to what we are: extraterrestrial beings, priests land or supreme deities?


-Bird Men: embossed and monolithic figures of men birds near the cliffs of Easter Island represent symbolically the presence of gods in the ancient island tradition. Some researchers attribute these figures to the alleged visit by extraterrestrial beings.

-God Flying Palenque: In Palenque, Mexico, is the Temple of Inscriptions ", inside you can see the burial chamber, where it appears carved in stone on the upper deck, a man indigenous features, which appears mounted on a kind of space capsule rather narrow. Also draws attention to the number of knobs that appears to be manipulating. Moreover, we can see a carving of an alleged smoke expelled by the machine. This impression causes, we tend to compare this figure with the spacecraft in which the first American astronauts traveled.

-God Tula: In the town of Tula, Mexico, is a huge platform to emerge majestic figures of gods carved in stone, whose clothes seem to be sophisticated armor. In your hands hold a sort of symbolic key, played by astroarqueólogos as artifacts attack capable of melting the rock.

"The Great God Marciano: Tassilli In the mountains in the Sahara, there emerges the figure of a curious unique engraving on the surface of a large stone structure at the time very accessible. Venaración represents a God of some human traits and is one of the most enigmatic paintings rupustres never found.

Toro Muerto: In the middle of a desert environment in Peru is the town of Toro Muerto. In this place you have found countless prints and drawings that show amazing enigmatic depictions of beings that seem to fly and dance, as well as foreign individuals or diving equipment on moving platforms.

-Beings Diving: In the town of Val Camonica, Italy, are ancient paintings. Human figures dressed in ceremonial robes that are believed could correspond to space suits, and if you look closely you can recognize diving suits, antennae and other technological devices.

-Dogo Japanese Figurine: Found in the town of Dogo, Japan, this figurine has an antiquity of 5,000 years. The figure bears a striking resemblance to the first diving suits and even the costumes worn by astronauts and cosmonauts.

-Stonehenge: England megalithic figures, saved a great enigma, because for sure we do not know what had led to a small village established at the dawn of our history in these latitudes, homogeneously build this colossal stone temple, for over 5,500 years atrás.Por other hand, Stonehenge was used repeatedly by ancient cultures for rituals in honor of the sun, moon, planets and stars, the cult would continue Celts themselves years later.

- Puerta del Sol: colossal stone door high on the ground of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Monument was created, cut and carved from a single stone block. It has niches, openings and neatly sculpted surfaces. Displayed high relief in which figures are three-winged beings in a row. Then there emerges a central and dominant figure, which represents the god Viracocha, which is accompanied by 15 guards for each side. This would be a solar calendar of 12 months, which indicated the solstices and equinox periods.

-Aztec Calendar: In Mexico, a museum displays a calendar enigmatic 3.5-meter diameter and 24 tons weight. Formerly it was completely painted and hung in front of the temple of the sun god is carved stone with great precision, drawing wide attention, its mythological figures, the result of astronomical observations. The Aztecs were able to conclude after their comments, which last year consisted of 365 days, plus including leap year. The funny thing is how could clarify their beliefs, if at that time there was a telescope, nor were the adequate mathematical tools.

-Nazca Lines: Huge drawings of animals and human figures emerge over extensive plains in the town of Nazca, Peru and can only be observed from the air in planes through the area with some frequency. Believed to have been designed by the Nazca civilization to make massive religious dances that followed the path demarcated in each of the drawings so they can be seen by the gods from heaven.

-Petroglyphs in the Quebrada de Camarones: North of Chile, in the first region, you may find several enigmatic figures stamped in stone by ancient nomadic settlements figures showing strange flying creatures, dressed in costumes that show a comparison with space suits.

"The man who oversees: near the village of Cautla, Mexico, Chalco and Nahua tribes live, upcoming the famous volcano Popocatepetl, known as "the man who watches" by the locals. Vicinity hold fantastic stories of close encounters and stories of UFO sightings linked to the presence of gods coms that occasionally visit the volcano.

-Temple of Tula: Mexicans In places where the Indians lived Toltecs, stand four majestic stone gods, who are over 10 meters high, and that seemed to carry in their hands a kind of weapon too sophisticated for the era, which some have interpreted as a symbolic key, guarded by stone guardians, who would make sure to not penetrate hitherto unknown realms.

-space map engraved in stone: presents a stellar constellation known to date. Located in the town of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

-Ingá: is a village in the valley of Paraíba, Bahia, Brazil, where there are several representations of the constellation of Orion, which served as inspiration to cultures like Egypt, for the subsequent construction of pyramids. The Mundurukus: Amazon Tribe's Caribbean. Karukasaibe was a god that after a long stay on earth bother with humans, to the point, who emigrated to other regions of the sky. There is a book which provides a connection between the UFO phenomenon and the story called "Aliens and Gods of the Amazon" written by Professor Antonio Ferreiro, a character dedicated to the study of ancient folklore surrounding deities.

-Tiahuanaco, Bolivia: is a plateau which is 4000 meters above sea level. Here are several monolithic stones scattered, witnessing ancient precision work and carving. A rarity in this place is called "monolithic door of the sun", which is about 3 feet high by 4 wide. At its center appears a suspected flying god, surrounded by 48 figures framed and arranged in three rows, and whose door weight exceeds 10 tons. The area has been dated to 600 BC